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Famous golfers
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The definitive list of all womens' golf books... (still working on it!)
from Golfing Ladies by Rossalynde Cossey, Orbis 1984... one of the best books on Ladies Golf.
Armour, Tommy, How to play your best golf all the time, Hodder and Stoughton, 1954
Barton, Pamela, A Stroke a Hole, Blackies, 1937
Batchelor, Gerald, Golf Stories, A. & C Black, 1914
Bauchope, CR., The Golfing Annual, 1888
Beldam, George W., Great Golfers: Their Methods at a Glance, Macmillan, 1904
Braid, James, The Ladies' Field Golf Book, Newnes, 1908 .
Brown, Thomas, Golfiana, private, 1869
Browning, Robert H.K., Moments with Golfing Masters, Methuen, 1932
Carnegie, George Fullarton, Golfiana, 1833
Chambers, Robert, Golfing, 1887
Clark, Robert, Golf A Royal and Ancient Game, private, 1875
Cotton, Henry, This Game of Golf, Country Life, 1948
Cundell, John, untitled, 1826
Darwin, Bernard and Duncan, George, Present-Day Golf, Hodder and Stoughton, 1925
Darwin, Bernard, Pack Clouds Away, Collins, 1941
Darwin, Bernard, Golf between Two Wars, Chatto and Windus, 1944
Darwin, Bernard, Golfing By-Paths, Country Life, 1946
Darwin, Bernard, History of Golf in Britain, 1947
Darwin, Bernard, Golf, Burke, 1954
Dunlop-Hill, Noel, History of the Scottish Ladies' Golfing Association, 1929
Everard, H.S.C, History of the Royal and Ancient Club,1907
Farnie, Henry B., The Golfer' s Manual, 1857
Halma's Dictionary, 1708
Helme, Eleanor, The Lady Golfer's Tip Book, Mills and Boon, 1923
Helme, Eleanor, After the Ball, Hurst and Blackett, 1931
Hezlet, May, Ladies' Golf, Hutchinson, 1904
Hughes, J., Historical Gossip about Golf and Golfers, Robb,1863
Hughes, W.E., Chronicles of Black heath Golfers, 1897
Hutchinson, Horace G., Golf, Badminton Library, 1890
Hutchinson, Horace G., Hints on the Game of Golf, Blackwood, 1893
Hutchinson, Horace G., The Book of Golf and Golfers, Longmans, 1899
Hutchinson, Horace G. (ed.), The New Book of Golf, Longmans, 1912
Hutchinson, Horace G., Fifty Years of Golf, Country Life/Newnes, 1919
Kennard, Mary G., Sorrows of a Golfer'S Wife, 1896
Kerr, Rev. John, Golf Book of East Lothian, 1869
Kincaid, Thomas, Instructions in the Form of a Poem, 1687
Lang, Andrew, A Batch of Golfing Papers, 1892
Leitch, Cecil, Golf, Butterworth, 1922
Leitch, Cecil, Golf Simplified, Butterworth, 1924
Linskill, W.T., Golf, 1889
Lonsdale Library of Sports, Games and Pastimes, Seeley, 1931
McAndrew, J., Golfing Step by Step, Mitchell, 1935
Macdonald, Charles Blair, Scotland's Gift - Golf, 1928
Matheson, T., TheGoff 1743
Murdoch, Joseph S.F., The Library of Golf, Gale, 1968
Pearson, Issette, Our Lady of the Green, 1899
Player, Gary, Gary Player's Golf Secrets, Pelham, 1964
Ray, Edward, Some Hints for Lady Beginners, 1912
Ray, Ted, Golf: My Slice of Life, W.I-I. Allen, 1972
Reminiscences of Golf on Si Andrews Links, 1887
Salmond, J.B., The Story of the Rand A, Macmillan, 1956
Seton-Kerr, Sir Henry, Golf, 1907
Scott, Tom, A Century of Golf, 1960
Shadwell, Thomas, Westmmster Drollery, 1671
Simpson, Sir Walter G., The Art of Golf, Douglas, 1887
Smith, Garden G., Golf, 1897
Souvenir Book of the Ladies' Championship 1893- 1932, private, 1933
Stirling, Mrs, Sedgeley Court, 1860
Stringer, Mabel, Golfing Reminiscences, Mills and Boon, 1924
Stringer, Mabel, History of the LGU, unpublished
Stuart, Ian, Golf in Hertfordshire, Carling, 1973
Stuart, Patrick, Golf Grave and Gay, 1906
Summers, Montague (ed.), Complete Works of Thomas Shadwell, 1927 .
Taylor, J .H Taylor on Golf, Hutchinson, 1902
Vardon, Harry, The Complete Golfer, Methuen, 1905
Ward- Thomas, Pat, The Long Green Fairway, Hodder and Stoughton, 1966
Ward- Thomas, Pat, The Royal and Ancient, Academic Press, 1980
Wethered, Roger and Joyce, Golf from Two Sides, Longmans, 1922
Wilson, Enid, Golf for Women, Barker, 1964
Golfer's Annual 1869-70;
Nisbets Golf Year Book 1906;
Golfer's Handbook (1902-82);
Lady Golfer'S Handbook (1894-1982 under various titles)
Periodicals and Newspapers 1870-1982
Blackwoods, Boudoir, Bystander, Cornhill, Country Life, The Daily Telegraph, Eve, Fairway and Hazard, Gentlewoman, Golf, Golfing, Golf Illustrated, Golf International, GolfMonthly GolfWorld, Illustrated London News, Ladies' Field, Ladies' Golf, Lady's Pictorial, Pall Mall, Punch, Tatler, The Times.